Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie

It all began with the establishment of the second Deaconess House Rheinisches Diakonissen-Mutterhaus in 1889 and has since become one of the largest institutions for diaconal and social work, namely the foundation Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie.

Diakonissen Mutterhaus
About us

Among the largest institutions for diaconal and social work in Germany

Fields of Work

Hospitals and hospices, living with disabilities, senior welfare, child, youth and family welfare, homeless assistance and vocational schools

Stiftung kreuznacher diakonie - a strong employer

Our workforce currently consists of about 6,800 employees. We offer many opportunities and future advancements for our employees, including opportunities within a diaconal organization. We strive to create a meaningful work environment for all personnel.
